CENTRL Office – Back to Work Updates
When you return to work at CENTRL Office, you might notice we have made a few changes. In preparation for your return, we thought it would be helpful to outline how we have made our workspaces safer for everyone. These changes include updates to our coffee service, kitchen guidelines, signage, hand sanitizer stations and more! Read below for an overview of our updates.
Sanitizing Supplies
We are offering all members free personal sanitizing supplies, which include hand sanitizers, masks, and our Safety Handbook. The personal hand sanitizer is from Freeland Spirits and masks are from Chrome Industries. We also have gel hand sanitizer pumps located throughout the space in addition to a motion sensor dispenser near the front desk.
Kitchen Guidelines
We are asking all members to follow our new guidelines when using the kitchen:
- Wipe down microwaves, refrigerators or water dispensers after use
- If using the fridge, please store all items in a labeled brown paper bag
- We will not be providing plates, bowls or silverware and asking members to bring their own utensils
- The communal lunch tables are closed and we recommend eating in your office
- Please ask the community manager at the front desk if you would like coffee, tea, cream or sugar. We will be serving with a glove and mask on.
One-Way Walking Paths
We have applied yellow arrows to the floor indicating one way walking paths. When possible, try to follow these routes as well as stairs and elevator recommendations.
Health & Safety Signage
You will notice these large signs throughout the space outlining how our workspaces are changing and how you can help the community. For more detailed information on this, please review our Safety Handbook.