Tonkon Talk: From Founding to Funding

Tonkon Talks in the Pearl: FROM FOUNDING TO FUNDING – with Nate Taggart of Stackery. Please join business attorney Brenda Meltebeke and special guest Nate Taggart, of Stackery, a serverless computing software startup company. We will hear about Nate’s entrepreneurial journey – from his start with the Seattle Techstars accelerator program to raising $5.5 million…Read More

Q & A Member Spotlight: HeartFlow

HeartFlow aims to fundamentally change the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease. In the US alone, that puts us working to prevent and treat ~350,000 deaths per year with many, many more impacted by coronary artery disease. World-wide numbers are even more staggering. “FFRct” is HeartFlow’s FDA approved product. It is a non-invasive analysis…Read More

Lexie Baker’s Loveship Exhibition

Make sure to checkout Lexie Baker’s Loveship art show at Cosube This will be up until September 4th, 2017 at Cosube // loveship exhibit explained The spellbinding combination of friendship & love is the fuel that sparks my creative flow. The intermingling balance of this “sweet spot” has such an influence on my life that…Read More

Burger Week 2017 – Places close to CENTRL East & West

What a time to be alive! With all the restaurant competition out here in Portland, it is hard to pick sometimes where to eat! Hopefully this list will help narrow down your burger week places. This list highlights the best burgers near and close to CENTRL Pearl and Eastside locations. Make sure to check out…Read More

First Friday’s July at Stephanie Chefas Projects

The creative spirit lives on here in the NE, printed in bold letters outside the R.J. Templeton Building, “Long live the wildcards, misfits, & dabblers” you might have noticed crossing east via the Burnside Bridge. Traditionally the Central Eastside Industrial area has been a pocket-hub for creative places and spaces for decades. Once home to Disjecta Contemporary…Read More